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Ja-Luos are Moving out!
In a very simple language to be understood by everybody, "Ja-Luos are looking for a place to move to very soon".  As soon as we strike a deal with some country which can take us in,  give us an enclave or some old city they don't need, we  shall pack our few belongings and leave. We are only six million people, we don't need much land. We will work hard and put that old city to a vibrating metro.
Very soon  you will see planes  zooming in and out of Kisumu  ferrying Ja-Luos to their new found land where they can patch life from the scratch. If we continue to hang out in Kenya, we will die out.  This is not some practical joke. Call me crazy or anything but it is about time we move to another place.  It won't be our first, second, or third time to move in search of a better life.  Nobody appointed me to speak for the Luos either. I appointed my self. I'm the guy with the plan. I once suggested secession but now I want  us to  move out kabisa.
Problems that we have had in Kenya, are worse than all the problems we had in Babilon, Egypt and Sudan combined. We moved from these places, but it wasn't worse like it has been for us in Kenya.  In Kenya we have seen it all. Political hatred combined with greed, abject poverty, deseases of all kinds, assasinations, and if we had to say well, we still have the lake, the lake is on its way out. Our lake is dying out faster than we are. Even the good god omweri came to check it out if he can help, but he realized it is beyond salvage,  not  even a god can do something about it, and so omweri got the hell out.
 What else do we need to wait for before we ask our leaders to move us out?  They have tried all they can  to live with others but all they have received  is asante ya punda which is mateke.
When Ja-luo cut a deal with you, you can go to bed and sleep like a baby because you know  he is not staying up all night working against your MoU. Ja-luo is a man of his word. Kenyans have no  memory. Every time Ja-luo gives you his word, you can take it to the bank and deposit it in a safe custody because at the end of the day, you  have  his six million votes in your pocket to take you wherever you wanted to go. This is how honest Ja-luo is. Now when it comes to owning to your promises to repay, you are starting to play games.
You use delaying tactics. Just like people who borrowed money from a friend, you are now not answering his phone calls, yet you know he loaned you his money and you promised him to pay back as soon as you  get on your feet. You think he didn't need it?  Ja-luo needed his votes more than he needed yours.  Now we can't even afford to buy a fire truck for Kisumu city. Ja-luo is now raising money at Ja-luo.com  to buy a fire truck for the city.
If we can't even be given a fire truck by the government what else are we waiting for? We can't continue to hang around because it seems like there will never be a day we shall  have social amenities like others in the Rift Valley or Central Kenya. When we complain, we are told to shut the fuc up because we are Kenyans and it doesn't matter who gets what?  This is a day time lie.
Harrison Wayoga
Albany, GA
If you don't like what I'm saying, you can make a trip to the south, I have a big tree behind my house and plenty of ropes, I will be gald to watch you hanging your neck because you don't like to hear the truth.

Ka in gi mari moro ma di wandik ka to orni
Akelo,Nyar Kager 
Daher winjo dwondi in bende, iwinjo?

Waparo mar paro jotend Luo mosekelo pogruok e piny Luo chakre higa 1900 nyaka 1999 e gweng'u  kata ei Luo duto. Koro wakwayou uduto ni par uru ane jogo ma di uket nying gi ka kod weche duto ma ung'eyo kuomgi mondo uor ni Akello NyarKager: jaluo@jaluo.com

Kata inyalo oro twak kod weche manyien ne: Mig. Ajos wuod Atiga

GALAMORO : Riwruok mar JOLUO e Piny Ngima, orwaku uduto mondo ubed e kanyakla mar burani. Ornwa nyingi gi nondi kaka obedo. Riwruok e teko joka Nyanam.



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