02/01/2007 |
HARAMBEE TO RAISE MONEY FOR ODM-KENYA SECRETARIATE For the sake of accountability, does anyone know ODM-Kenya secretariate contacts? I need to find out if they are aware of this harambee. To any unsuspecting Kenyan, read between the lines: "a fundraising to help fund the ODM-Kenya presidential and National elections, to be held later this year"! As ODM-Kenya supporter, I am yet to meet or hear of the party official here in US. Who commissioned this ODM-Kenya USA? Was it the party secretary general or chairman? and when? Ogutu -------------------------------------- ODM-Kenya USA Harambee The ODM-Kenya USA announces a fundraising to help fund the ODM-Kenya presidential and National elections, to be held later this year. The Harambee will be held at 1 Forest Avenue in Monroe NY on Saturday 2-10-2007 from 8PM until 2AM. Ramuya International will be on stage and DJ Zack will be spinning the wheels. Please wear your comfortable dancing shoes. Also, check your mailbox for driving directions. Committee: Andrew Okungu-Chair, Tel: 845-662-1253 Stephen Ochola, Sec. Tel: 914-382-3486 Fred Oketch, Tre. Tel: 1-845-309-9217 Tom Ogindo, Org Sec Tel: 914-737-6317 Joab Okello, Tel: 914-772-4791 Okoth Ojode, Tel: 845-304-8052 Joshua Obell, US Coordinator: Tel: 1-609-516-5497 Joluo.com Ka in gi mari moro ma di wandik ka to orni |
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