03/15/2007 |
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Dominion Farming is viable- away with the conspirators If they could sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, what can't they do? I want to pass this information for the good of the general public and the people of Nyanza and Western in particular. We must all stand up and defend what is good for the common man. Odhiambo T Oketch YIMBO DEVELOPMENT NETWORK P.O. BOX 11204 | TEL: 0735 529126 / 0724 365557 00100 - NAIROBI E-MAIL: komarockswatch at yaHoo DoT com KENYA | otoketch aT yahOO DOt kom Service to the Community
ON the 6th December 2006, I had the privilege of being hosted by Mr. Calvin Burgess, the President of the Dominion Group at the Yala Swamp farm at Ratuoro. With me were Mr. George Oggawa, Prof Owino Rew and Mr. George Otieno. Owino Rew is a professor teaching at Maseno University.
Before this visit, we had made a courtesy call on the Bondo District Commissioner.
On arrival at the farm, we were received by Madam Barbara, on instructions from Mr. Burgess. Barbara is a Co-Director of Dominion Group, and she was also with The President during their Kenyan visit. Barbara and Edward, an employee of the farm in the Liaison Division, took us through the visit. We first visited the rice processing plant which Barbara told us will be able to process 16 tones of rice per hour at full capacity.
We then toured the fish ponds where we were happy to note that the canals built by Dominion, have recharged Lake Kanyiboli into a hub of fishing activities. However, Dominion Group have new challenges with the increased fishing activity there, since locals are over fishing and catching even small fish, fish which should be let alone to grow first. This challenge needs political intervention, so that locals are told and taught the right fishing times and methods. We hence want to pass this political challenge to our senior political leaders, Hon Dr Oburu Odinga, Hon Sammy Weya and Hon Ken Nyagudi, to help us mobilize support to enhance the right fishing attitude. This will make the locals harvest big fish which will be of real value as food on the table, or financially viable for cash in the market.
We learnt that Calvin as a boy of 12, had entered into a covenant with God to bless him and make him rich, and in return, he would be of positive service to humanity and help the less fortunate members of the society. Dominion Farm is hence a pay back venture modeled on the Christian teachings of loving your neighbour as you love yourself.
In setting up the farm, Dominion Group has encountered a lot of bureaucratic red tapes from the government agencies. They have lost equipment at the port of Mombasa, and have been denied permission to ship in some farm equipment despite farm machinery being zero rated by the treasury. For example, they cannot ship in a cotton processing plant. This is a political problem ostensibly meant to disenfranchise investment set up in the Luo community, which problem must be addressed by our political leaders. We must appeal to Hon Raila Odinga and Hon Prof Anyang’ Nyong’o, and our local members of Parliament to intervene and help Dominion realize her potential.
Dominion has done well so far on the premise of 3p- prayers, persistence and patience, and the PUSH mentality- pray until something happens. Indeed their prayers, persistence and patience and Push mentality has been rewarded and God is doing His wonders for them.
It was sad to note as we drove in, the damage River Yala had wrought on the farm as it broke its banks. However, Madam Barbara gave us that assurance, assurance associated with the experts, that that was a problem that will NEVER happen again. She said that they had not known how menacing the river normally is, and as such were caught off guard. This was encouraging, since the damage to the farm was massive, and any Johnny-come-walking would fold and disappear.
As we toured the rice fields, it was gratifying to note that Yala Swamp, which the Lake Basin Development Authority could not reclaim for productive purpose, could be a perfect setting for the best rice fields in the world. All efforts must hence be put in place to encourage Dominion to operate to her potential capacity, for this could put Kenya as the leading rice producer in the world.
Maize is also produced in bulk here, as well as bee keeping and chicken farming.
Dominion has given rise to massive local employment opportunities. We were happy to note that local Kenyan professionals are in charge, and the presence of white professionals is not so pronounced. This has led to the setting up of Dominion co-operative savings society, where locals are encouraged to save. This has made the employees be better managers of their finances, where they are able to now pay school fee for their children, buy household commodities and put up permanent houses. Dominion has also recharged Ratuoro market into a hub of activities every Saturday, where locals mingle to buy and sell varied items ranging from household goods to foodstuffs to spare parts. This is one of the many positive attributes of the presence of Dominion Group.
Security has also improved, since locals are now engaged in some source of income, either working for the farm, fishing at Lake Kanyiboli, or engaging in small business activities. There is also a police post at Ratuoro to deal with any other security threats. Land is now also of some economic value therein around.
After touring the farm, Madam Barbara’s time was up and she had to hand us over for a conference and discussions with Mr. Dominion himself, Calvin Burgess. We met Calvin in the company of Mr. Grahame Vetch, the Country Director of the farm. The President was so passionate with the issue of food security for Nyanza and Kenya as a whole. He proposed new farming methods and techniques, a phenomenon that needs direct and undivided support of our political leaders. This involves galvanizing the community to live in ujamaa kind of settlements, hence freeing most of the land for farming. This will guarantee enough food for basic daily consumption, and leave a lot for sale and export.
This is how it is done in the developed world, and through the active support of our political leaders, specifically the nod from Hon Raila, the Luo could be the first to engage in this type of settlement and farming with huge financial success, and food security to boot. This is a challenge our political leaders should take up. Offering services like water, electricity, hospitals and schools in a centralized settlement would also be economical.
Nyanza must hence be bold enough to take this path, and do away with the dead men’s graves syndrome. Let the dead live in peace as we farm their graves. We shall get even better yields for they also want to see food security in Nyanza. Mr. Burgess is willing and able to give his support to this venture so long as land is freed and made available.
We also learnt that Dominion has been of great support to the surrounding Primary Schools, and the local authorities. Only that this kind of support has not been given the prominence it deserves. Yimbo Development Network could be of great assistance in helping disseminating most of this information out. This is something that we shall continue discussing.
The cess support to both Siaya and Bondo County Councils, specifically the areas revolving road maintenance, has not been effective so far. We left Ratuoro via Obambo, Usenge route to Siaya, and the road was pathetic, more so, it rained as we left, and we were lucky we did not get stuck in that mud. If Dominion is supporting the roads projects, let there be good roads.
We brought the issue of Ogam Health Centre, a project of Yimbo Development Network, spearheaded ably by Dr John Ong’ech Odero. It is our wish as a Network, that Dominion helps more in the realization to full potential of this Health Centre. We have the frames ready, but a lot more still needs to be done. We hence appeal to The President directly, to take up the issue of Ogam Health Centre, and help with its completion as his contribution to the medical security of the people of Yimbo.
Dominion was also instrumental in bringing CDC- the Centre for Disease Control, to Bondo, for which we are happy. This has seen many people tested for some of these opportunistic diseases. A noble effort indeed.
Dominion has created employment opportunities, a phenomenon that must be appreciated. Cotton farming is now taking root as far as Sakwa, Asembo and Uyoma. The only disadvantage is that all this produce must be taken all the way to Ndere Ginnery, while Dominion has her own potential to install modern Cotton processing plant in Yimbo. But bureaucratic red tapes and officialdom will not allow the government to let Dominion import their plant, farm machinery being zero rated not withstanding.
Our political leaders should take this up and help Dominion import what they need.
As I noted earlier, it was gratifying to note that the locals are working under the able guidance of fellow Kenyans, and the presence of white expatriates is not over bearing. We got the feeling that this is truly and surely an inspired investment as a service to humanity and to God.
Lastly we were told of historic sites which have been made shrines and prayer sites. This was to exorcise some allegedly roving spirits which felt disturbed and became restless when some rites were not done. Hence by making these sites Godly, such spirits now rest in peace as Dominion match on in the faith of the 3ps and PUSH mentality.
I must thank Mr. Calvin Burgess, President of the Dominion Group, for having got the courage and the faith to put up such a massive and heavy investment in our midst. I must thank him for the appointment to meet me and my team, an appointment that I got courtesy of Jadolo Okoth Otura. Thank you.
I must thank Madam Barbara, Madam Co Director of Dominion Group, for having the time to conduct us on a tour of the vast farm, ably assisted by Edward. Her knowledge and confidence was reassuring.
I must thank Grahame Vetch, The Country Director of the Dominion Farm, for hosting us, and for implementing the ideals of the farm, and ably handling the many trying local situations and challenges. Prayers, Persistence, Patience, and Prayers Until Something Happens can surely be.
I must, on behalf of the Dominion Group, thank Hon Raila Odinga, Hon Anyang’ Nyong’o, Hon Oburu Odinga, Hon Sammy Weya, Hon Ken Nyagudi and all our Members of Parliament who have stood up in support of the Dominion Group, both in and out of Parliament. The challenge is on you; help Dominion import farm machinery that they need to operate at optimal level. More so, we need your input to pass legislation that supports local investment.
I must thank my colleagues, George Oggawa, Prof Owino Rew and George Otieno for having taken their time to join me in the tour. Your input and observations were surely valuable. I want the world to know what you think, so we must hear your own accounts of the visit.
Lastly, I must give thanks to God Almighty, who through His prophets of yore, foretold of some red faced people who will come visiting and setting base on the foot of Got Ramogi. Prophecy which is being fulfilled in our own time with Calvin setting base here at Yala Swamp in our midst.
God’s name be praised, and all his servants who can help Dominion make a difference, should do so.
God bless us all.
Odhiambo Tobias Oketch Chairman; Yimbo Development Network.
Cc 1. Hon Raila Amolo Odinga 2. Hon Dr Oburu Odinga 3. Hon Prof Anyang’ Nyong’o 4. Hon Sammy Weya 5. Hon Ken Nyagudi 6.. Ker Riaga Omolo 7. Dr PLO Lumumba 8. Mr Gideaon Ochanda
Joluo.com Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com |
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