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Raila's visit to DC and NC was a success - To the dissapointment of the three Doctors.

I have been following with great interest the fight that has been written in Jaluo dot com as far as the presidential campaign has been going on. A friend of mine who happened to be following Raila's visit received a telephone invitation to go and attend the dinner dance. He in turn took the initiative as a Raila supporter to invite me.

We arrived at about 7:45 pm and already there were more than 75 people in the hall. When I asked how many people the organizers expected, they told me that the booking was for at least 100 people.

At about the time that Raila was arriving in the hall there were more than 100 people in the hall with about 20 people occupying the bar area. Already at this point, the organizers had recorded their first success. Hon. Omingo Magara came in with about 4 guests from New Jersey and joined other guests. It is therefore wrong for someone who claims to be a supporter of Raila to come out and falsely criticize another team even in a job well done.

At least they took the initiative to do something for their preferred candidate.

Empty rhetoric and not delivering money will not help but destroy Raila's chances.

The same group comprising of Dr.Omburo (who is my cousin), Dr. Ayaga (65 years old) and Dr. Oyugi is the same group that has been spreading malicious propaganda about Raila.

I will also like to inform readers that this group had the opportunity to at least tell others what they have done so far in terms of helping Raila. None of them came out. You must have noticed that Dr. Omburo recently started writing articles in defense of Raila in Jaluo dot com. These are tactics to divert attention.

The question that each Raila supporter should ask this group is, "Where is the $15,000 plus dollars they claim to have collected for Raila?” Was it sent home? If yes, that is fine, but it cannot be fine if the person they claim to have received the money denies having received the dollars. Is the money floating somewhere over the atlantic?

Did they use this money as a joint contribution for funeral expenses for some of their buddies in South Nyanza and Kisumo? Only to find out that the money was used to build new houses or improve the quality of photo apparatus for a business friend? My good friends, alot has been said about this group of the "three musketeers".

My advice is simple, if Hon.Dr. Ayagah cannot use his Luo traditonal skills as a Luo elder to cool off tempers, then he is party to the planned coup and does not deserve any respect. Ayaga, according to Luo tradition and beliefs with the kind of education he has should be respected, but remember, respect is earned.

Dr. Ayaga has chosen to keep quiet and even support a group that is causing havoc and discomfort amongst serious groupings that are working for J'akom. It is therefore my challenge to Dr. Ayaga to come out, to: 1st. clear his name over allegations that he works to undermine Raila, 2nd. see a way of how to unite our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora instead of using people like Omburo and Oyugi to cause chaos.

If someone came to me now and said that these individuals have been paid by the Kibaki administration to scatter Raila supporters in Jersey, I would more than 100% agree. Coming out and criticizing people like Arunga (who has a few failures), Obel, Akumu or Opon is unfair, uncalled for and will not help J'akom.

Irresponsible writing to the extent that the meeting in North Carolina was a failure will most likely anger Raila, because according to reports from NC, the event was a great success.

If Raila007 can continue claiming that the conference was a failure, it can only be concluded that this group has ill intensions. I prevail on Hon.Raila to even reject their contribution if at all they still have it because we have no idea of their next move if Ja'kom receives the money. The next thing you may hear is that Raila sent the money to Texas. I ask Ja'kom once again NOT to accept a contribution from Raila007, it may have NARC-Kenya hands in it.

The real truth of the matter is, there were successes recored in Minesota, Texas, DC, North Carolina and we are waiting for a report from Florida. Success comes in its own different ways. - Ruoth Obon'go Nyakalaga mondo omed konyo joluo. Amina

Sgt. Raphael Ochieng Oduol



Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com




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