Setting Up The Windows95 Dialer
Here's what you'll need before you start:
- Your original Windows 95 set-up disks or CD-ROM.
- A print-out of these instructions to use as a guide while
you work (optional, but very helpful)
- And about 15 minutes of free time. (The setup process involves
a restart of your machine.)
Once you've got these things together, you're ready to begin.
Verifying that Dial-up Networking Is Installed
The 32-bit dialer is called "Dial-Up Networking" by Windows 95. First,
you must verify that you installed the Dial-Up Networking component when
you installed Windows 95.
- Press the [START] button, and select SETTINGS |
- Double-click the ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS icon.
- Select the WINDOWS SETUP tab.
- Highlight the COMMUNICATIONS component and press
the DETAILS button. If DIAL-UP NETWORKING is installed
as one of your components, there will be a check in the box to the
- If there is a check in the box beside Dial-Up Networking
, go on to step 2.
- If there is no check in the box, follow these steps to install
Dial-Up Networking on your system:
- Put your Windows 95 set-up disks or CD-ROM into
your disk drive.
- Check the box next to Dial-Up Networking
and click the OK button.
- Follow the prompts to add the Dial-Up
Networking files to your system. At one point, the set-up
program will prompt you to name your computer. This information
will not be used by our network, so you can type in whatever
you like.
- When set-up is finished adding the Dial-Up
Networking files to your system, you'll be prompted
to restart your computer.
- Click on the [START] button, and select Shut
Down | Restart the Computer? When you
restart, you'll be asked to type in your name and password.
Windows 95 is giving you a chance here to password-protect
your system. If security is important to you, by all means
type in your name and a password (it does not have to be
your Jaluo DialUp UserID or password.) From now on, you will
be required to enter your name and password in order
for Windows 95 to load. If security is not an
issue for you, and if you do not want to be bothered by
a security check each time you start Windows 95, then type
in your name, but don't use a password. If you do it this
way, you'll never see that security dialog box again.
- When Windows 95 re-loads, the CONTROL PANEL
program group should appear on your screen. If it
does not, click on the [START] button and select
- Go on to STEP 2
Verifying that the Dial-Up Adapter and TCP/IP Are Installed
- Go to the CONTROL PANEL.
- Double-click the NETWORK icon.
- Click on the CONFIGURATION tab.
- Both DIAL-UP ADAPTER and TCP/IP should be
- If both are present, proceed to step 3.
- If the DIAL-UP ADAPTER is not present, follow these
steps to add it:
- To add the DIAL-UP ADAPTER, hit the ADD...
- Double-click ADAPTER.
- Scroll down the list and select MICROSOFT.
- Choose the DIAL-UP ADAPTER from the
listing on the right.
- Click OK.
- If TCP/IP is not present, follow these steps to add
- Hit the ADD... button
- Double-click PROTOCOL.
- Select TCP/IP.
- Click OK
- The NETWORK dialog box should now contain
- Select DIAL-UP ADAPTER, and click the PROPERTIES
- Choose the BINDINGS tab, and make sure the
TCP/IP box is checked.
- Your computer will prompt you to restart.
- Click OK twice.
- Go on to Step 3
Configuring TCP/IP Protocol
- Go to the CONTROL PANEL, and double-click the NETWORK icon.
- Click on the TCP/IP protocol and press the PROPERTIES...
- You should see the TCP/IP Properties dialog box.
- Click through the tabs in the dialog box, making sure the
settings match those below:
- IP ADDRESS - Set the IP address to
"Obtain an IP Address Automatically".
WINS Resolution
- GATEWAY - No Gateway is needed. It will be
set automatically in the Dial-Up Networking section.
- BINDINGS - Nothing is set in the Bindings
section. By default it may be set to Client for
Microsoft Network; leave it alone.
- ADVANCED - If a check does not appear in
the box to the left of 'Set This Protocol To Be The
Default Protocol,' add the check.
- DNS CONFIGURATION - Nothing is needed
here. It will also be set up under Dial-Up Networking.
- Press OK. Your TCP/IP Protocol
set-up is now complete. You will be prompted to restart
the computer.
- Click YES.
- Go on to STEP 4
Setting Up The Connection Icon
- Open up MY COMPUTER from the desktop and double-click
- Double-click the MAKE NEW CONNECTION icon. You will
be asked for the name of the computer you are dialing.
- Type Jaluo and click the CONFIGURE button.
- Click on the GENERAL tab.
- Set the maximum speed to the highest baud rate your modem
can handle. Your modem should have been automatically configured
by Windows 95. Do not check "Only Connect at This Speed."
- Click on the CONNECTION tab.
- You need to have the preferences set to:
- Data Bits: 8
- Parity: none
- Stop bits: 1
- Nothing needs to be changed under the OPTIONS tab.
- Click the OK button.
- Click the NEXT button.
- Enter the phone number that you use to dial into Jaluo Dot Com
- If you have call waiting, add *70, (including the
asterisk) to the beginning. This will temporarily disable call waiting.
- Press the NEXT> button, then the FINISH
button and the new Jaluo icon will be created.
- Click the right mouse button on the new icon.
- Click on Properties.
- Click the Server Type button.
- In the Type of Dial-up Server box, you should have "PPP,
Windows 95...."
- Under allowed network protocols, check "TCP/IP."
- Click the TCP/IP settings button.
- Check the "Server assigned IP address" button.
- Check the "Specify Name server addresses" button.
- Check Obtain DNS server address automatically
- Click OK on all three boxes.
Connecting to Jaluo Dot Com DialUp
Double-click on Jaluo connection icon established in step 4. This
will bring up a login screen. Click the CONNECT button, and your modem
should start dialing. Open your favorite Internet software, and enjoy your
32-bit dial-up connection!
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