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To all Rachuonyos,
Any person would be forgiven for being abit sceptical and suspicious of some of our leaders ability and interest in initiating development projects in our region even if he is a commoner like Jagendia Douglas Otieno Onoka or a poultry keeper Mr Samwel Rogers Otieno Owida or may be another commonner Jamumbo Maurice Aguko Mayora.At the moment our youths have either little or nothing to celebrate as there has never been any viable project intiated by such leaders with the aim of empowering them.Yet our youths armed with patiency, honesty and loyalty still acknowledge and hold some our leaders and professionals with high esteem.
Although most of our leaders have been a let down to the youths and to the entire community few mentioned by the poultry keeper Mr. Samwel RogersOtieno Owida and a commonner Jagendia Douglas otieno Onoka in their letters are the only hope we have in our community ...we are honestly very proud of them as role models while considering their keen,sober and honest style in dealing with matters of community intrest.At the same time, their voluntary services inspite of their mandatory lacal and Global comittments exposes their generous contributions on development programmes of our society.We further admire their approches to pertinent issues that have always displayed limitless visions founded on their firm imperative ideals that have given the youth some hopes and faith of the future.I believe even their enemies will agree that their pieces of advice at whatever level have been an instruments of a devine will that shapes history and human character with fresh creative passion.Honestly their principles have been catechism of development, weirdly emanating from genius minds amidst us.I must admit sincerely that personally I have gained more from their benevolent instincts such as only their close ralatives and seldomly- they could boast............ In this respect Mr.Arum,Mr Kodhek Odak, Mr Asinjo, Dr Ogoyi,Mr.Charles Aroka, Mr. Ziage, Dr.Mwai, Dr.Ombura,Bishop Angiro, Dr.Muga,Mr Cyprian Awiti, Dr.Mosley Owino, Dr.Bani,and Mr. Odhiambo MakOwiti( who has teken the initiative to air our concerns in the radio) these gentlemen plus few others have been outstanding.They are the cadre of the a new generation of leaders who have shown their interest to join the youths who are ready to say goodbye to the old order through dialogue and peace oriented meetings, conferences,workshops,summits or even a rally e.t.c that we are soon convenning.
Rachuonyo District of Nyanza province covers an area of 931 square km with four divisions (Kabondo-140 square km,Kasipul-368 square km,W.Karachuonyo-174 square km,E. Karachuonyo-249 square km.) It's human population is projected to reach 0.4million by 2008.While 71% of this population live below poverty (1US dollars a day). It also has high HIV/AIDS prevalence (19%) and very low (<5%) access to clean and safe water inspite of its proximity to the lake.It also has high mortality rates and high school dropout rates with 20% dropout in primary, 60% in secondary and only 1 out of 1000 join university.Rachuonyo also have low crop yield per acre inspite of its fatility (land size per household is 5 acres and 60% of land in Rachuonyo is under crop land mainly food crop,only 20% of that land is used for grazing.) Less than (10%) of cattle are grade hence the area suffers from severe milk deficit as it can only meet less than 40% of its annual demand.The population growth rate is 2.1%,crude death rate is 12.62/1000, life expectancy is 46.5years, infant mortality rate is 87/1000, under five years mortaluity rate is 1002/1000,Those between 1-18 form the 34.39% of the population while between 18-40 is 40%,those between 40- 80 form 15%, while those above 80 years are only 0.61%.Only 13.89% of the youths are employed the rest are either unemployed or under employed.
My disappointment is however based on the fact that,the majority of our leaders have ignored perhap intentionally to accept that our youths jointly or severally neither need charity,favour nor handouts from our professionals, councillors leave alone from our members of parliment NO sir,......We only need guidance, liberty and freedom to exercise our rights and to participate in the dacission making and development in our community, without due pressure or unwarranted threat from the hubris of yester years, the todays' Newtons , Pilatos and Pythagoruses of our region.
We shall therefore secure for ourselves such rights even if thousands of councillors and Mps conspire against it.Our current leaders have distinguished themselve by their special vitrols against the new generation,they are the men who have been the real culprits of our starvation,they misuse and impoverise our people then falsifies the causes,then odiously wrap themselves in a cloak of proto-christian hypocricy and slowly but sure lead our youths to slavery, not without calling God to witness the honesty of their move in approved manner of an old freemason style,born out of dispair of this collapsing Godless World, today their minds dwell in the pre-civilization darkness lucking precedent even in the ancient history.......
It is sadder to me that our young generation are agonishing on the shattered hopes and squandered oppotuanities and the chances that were so much destroyed that brains and talents have dispersed to various places around the World where they are of practically no use to their own community.The hopes and the desire of our rainbow land now lies in ruins, the promises our leaders gave us have turned into a suffocating curse.The dreams of the new generation have become a nightmare and their vision is now a chimera. It has now dawn on them that they have seven lives instead of nine.They have instead been pushed further away from the centre of live to the perifery of poverty and squalor in a show of spite that lack reference in the mordern hostory.
My pride however, is based on the fact that,we the youths are all for the common course, fully armed with patience, honesty,conviction and the will to achieve our goal. We shall therefore pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe,disagree with any leader for the success of this noble course.The energy, the faith and devotion that the new generation will bring to their endavour at that hour will light our community and those who serve it and the glow from that fire will truely light the whole country.
Finally I will use the words of Richard III and I quote '' If unwittingly or in my rage have ought committed that is hardly borne by any in this letter, I desire to reconcile him or her to my friendly peace,tis death to me to be an enmity;I hate it and desire all good mens' Love.
I will conclude by quoting Mr.Nicholai Gogol who said in 1836 when the play The Government Inspector was first produced before the then president of Russia Sir.Nicholas II '' If your eyes are lopsided dont blame the mirrow''
Jamumbo Maurice Aguko Mayora Ojako
Community Commonner and
Co-ordinator Rachuonyo Youth Forum



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