11/14/2006 |
Government Minister Support Agwambo ASSISTANT Minister for Home Affairs Mr.Samuel Moroto has called on all Kenyans to recognise the Luo community's contribution in the demoncratisation process in this country and vote for Raila Odinga come 2007 General Elections. The Minister who was speaking in Karachuonyo constituency during the fundraising for the proposed Karabondi Girls Secondary School, said that the Luo community has suffered immensely since independence despite their invaluable stuggle for the country. "It's the right time for Honorable Raila Odinga to lead this country.What's wrong with a Luo president?', he posed."His single effort has drastically changed the political landscape of Kenya for the betterment of all",he declared. Kapenguria MP declared that he'll join the campaign for Lang'ata MP's presidential bid next year during General Elections. He said that Raila Odinga has what it takes to lead the country saying that he's a nationalist whose vision encompasses all community in Kenya. At the same venue Karachuonyo MP Dr. Paul Adhu Awiti congratulated the government for recarpeting Kendu Bay Katito Road and the Kshs.67 million Rural Electrification Programme between Oyugis and Homa Bay.He further requested for tarmacking of Kendu Bay Homa Bay Road to enhance economic development of the region. Harambee realised Kshs.516,410 with vice president's contribution of Kshs.50,000.Adhu Awiti Kshs.20,000 and CDF Kshs.200,000, Simon Ogendo Eng.Tom Okoko and Dr.Richard Muga gave Kshs.20,000 each. Jamumbo Maurice Aguko Mayora Ojako Joluo.com Ka in gi mari moro ma di wandik ka to orni |
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