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21 Gun Men Of The Year In Rachuonyo

Dear Royal Commoners,
Individuals and Institutions have a lot of impact in the community and the society at large.As the curtain falls on the 2006.It is time to thank each and every one of you for the great impact you had in my life this year especially for all the support and e-mails I received from you.At the same time taking your time to read mine was also great honour.
I would therefore wish to sincerely salute the major contributors who shaped the year.Those who invested part of their busy and valuable time and effort to assist the community with ideas and resources in an admirable dynamic equipoise that has produce exceptionally historical unity among the commoners that has been paradoxically absent in the past.They are the community revolutionary intellectuals who have articulated the desires,fears,visions and hopes of the masses.The commoners of virtues who have managed to escape the perverted taste of the metropolitan emporium.They are :
  1. Dr Kenneth Kambona Oyugi   It is impossible to escape  the conclusion that Dr.KK made the greatest contributions to very pertinent issues bordering closely on community development. This special adviser to the new world is a thinker and  a practical agriculturist who savor development issues to the full.From his shinning brow a Devine spark of genius has sprang at all times and have forever rekindled a new  the fire of knowledge that illuminate the night of silent mysteries and thus cause our people to climb the path to glory over other people. This year he proved himself worthy of such benevolence.
  2. Dr.Bani Orwa.   Dr.Orwa is an internationally recognized consultant, hired by many Mps to write for them strategic paper on CDF.He has been borrowing us this expensive ideas via the e-mails in 2006.He is one of the indegenous men whose skills have not been fully utilised by his people. 
  3. Dr.Ally Okeyo Mwai  One of the greatest scientist of all time.Internationally his programmes and projects are admired .He is a thinker who always occupy himself with weighty development issues. He has laid the foundations and created the walls of every great structure of  development within our community.Honestly he was the man of the year in 2005 and has also contributed a lot this year.
  4. Mr.Nick Asinjo Ondiek   He qualifies as one of the finnest character among the Senior members of our community.He enjoys the integrity of  Cesar's wife.He represent the spirit of the administrative time discipline which is the spirit if his age.He is both simple and great. His contributions to our community this year was very great.
  5. Benson Odhiambo MacKowiti   An eloquent master of words who uses his skill with utmost bravery.This talented orator adapt himself to any company and act with gusto. His radio programmes have led to success with almost mathematical accuracy. We have seen him with our shinning eyes as he amazingly tore the mask from the faces distorted by political greed. Yes, the faces of those parliamentary busybodies who are ever determined to roll back gains of democratic institutions.He has truly help many soul this year.
  6. Justus Abonyo Nyang'aya    This lion hearted chairman with undisputed power of personality that make him dominate the scene wherever he is present.not by the virtues of his political prowes, No he is a popular leader who command respect and handle power easily.His wise counselling can easily determine the form of life in the next thousands of years.We have heard from him the greatest words ever spoken from our community.We thank him and one day posterity will thank him.
  7. George Arum    This financial wizard is an action oriented gentleman among the young think tank.He has acquired the reputation of being firm and principled.He believe in the accountability when it comes to the community matters.
  8. Sylivester Owino Obuon   A highly trained banker and administrator  is one of the keenest resource mobilizers we have amids us.He is a talented speaker who also poses the burning mission for development peculiar to so many geniuses who have actually sprouted throughout the ages.
  9. Dr.Bildad Fenner Okeyo Ombura   A genius scientist and a philosopher who has the simplicity of the late Julias Nyerere and the greatness of Nelson Mandela of South Africa.He has distinguished himself as a natural arbitrator and a promoter of liberty among the people. His contributions during a function  at Agoro Sare in 2005 was talk of the year.He is one of the people this country should look for if serious on quality leadership.
  10. Lameck Ziage   He is naturally an opinion leader amongest his peer.He is a practical man who has done so much locally and  internationally to empower the less fortunate in the community. A very keen listener and and an advocate for the informed leadership.His contributions were admirable this year. 
  11. Dr.Pherez Ocholla   Dr.Ocholla come nearest to Henry Kissinger in his articles he is an articulate, confident,and a beliver in the just leadership of the commons.He is in a world class baron of ideologies whose contributions this year made us proud.
  12. Bob Awour   This U.K based architecture is an internationally respected indegenous brain.Late this year he wrote an article to our people that could easily be mistaken with Mariana Ba play book" So Long A Letter".
  13. Jacob Akoko   Jack is certainly a man of high principles.He is passionate, formidable young elite who believe strongly in the implementation strategies.His contributions to the community development this year posterity will not be able to disregard.
  14. Chales Opany Jabuya    His words testify a man of great wisdom. His political shrewdness is a mark of practiced strategist who is able to see with amazing clarity the strength and the weaknesses of the contemporary political elements.Jabuya is in a class of the undisputed chief of old who is constant as the Northern Star. He is one who believes that a good leader is one chosen by God. The glow from the fire of his words can truly light the whole country.
  15. Elly Ochieng' Oreyo     A very polished and a talented writer who always speak his mind with strong provocative point of view.   He is a man who cherishes peace and embraces dialogue in solving community differences. He surely has the instrument of Devine will that shapes history with fresh creative passion.
  16. Dr.Doringtone Ogoyi    This brilliant scientist exudes sophistry of a gentleman educationist. He likes to share his ideas with child-like frank expression of happiness. This year his ideas has since purchased us good opinions
  17. Peter Odada Sumba    A marvellous orator whose policies are founded purely on the basis of community development.Mr.Sumba represent the great minds of our people who acknowledge the virtues of the informed leadership. His contribution this year was outstanding
  18. Richard Odak Odak    He is in the cadre of the outstanding new leaders of this generation. He is always at the centre stage with programmes aiming at promoting the standard of life within the community. His contribution this year was ideal.
  19. John Otieno Ochiel Wara    A man of considerable intellectual attainments. He is brave and firm at the same time he always express the need to prioritise action over empty rhetoric,and so he is a practical commoner who is possessed by the will to free the masses from  the poverty with his unlimited love for development.
  20. Nashon Ogado Ng'uena     A scholar cum politician who is fairer than the words of wondrous virtues. Early this year he became Gaudy goldhard food for Midas. His nature exposes unbroken pride like that of an ancient freedom fighter that always stands upright before the feudal Lords. This year he appeared to us like arising star before our wondering eyes.
  21. John Oywa   A very discipline, modest, and a highly qualified scribe whose contributions are accurate and popular with the readers. Indeed his well searched articles would do biblical writers pride. He is a perfect example of a sober young man who is ready to fulfil the renaissance of the community. This year his articles have performed what look like a miracle and has clear our minds and given us certain of the future.
May all of you have a prosperous 2007.
Jamumbo Maurice Aguko  Mayora Ojako


Ka in gi mari moro ma di wandik ka to orni
Akelo nyar Kager,        jaluo@jaluo.com Daher winjo dwondi in bende, iwinjo?



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