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Re: [ccr-kenya] Bw. Oketch (Ref: Inappropriate comments)

Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 07:12:45 -0800 (PST)
From: Odhiambo T Oketch
 Subject: Re: [ccr-kenya] Bw. Oketch (Ref: Inappropriate comments)
 --- wanyee kinuthia wrote:

 Bw. Oketch,

 Did you read about the 18yr old girl who was shot by  the police? Was she a
 This forum is ONLY for discussions regarding the  constitution. Kindly
restrict your comments to this.
 Ndugu, tuko hapa kujenga nchi, sio kuibomoa kwa kungombana baina yetu.
 "Two men in a burning house, should not stop to  argue" [Ghanaian proverb]

--- Odhiambo T. Oketch wrote:

Dada Yangu,

I comment on most ills that I observe.

If some do not sit pretty with you, too bad. As for the constitution, I did not like the road map Tegi was proposing, and I said as much.

Now with the benefit of hind sight, I am being proved right; that this government deceived some of you to even present what you thought you wanted.
They do not want a new constitution.

Lastly, it could be so myopic for me to limit my thinking to the constitution only.

Odhiambo T Oketch

--- wanyee kinuthia wrote:

  Bw. Oketch,
   Kwanza, mimi ni mwanaume kama wewe.
   I joined CCR as a very concerned citizen, who  simply wishes to see a new
constitution enacted before another general  election.
  I believe that this is very feasible, considering  the efforts that led up to the Bomas conference, after which the Bomas  draft was hijacked by Parliamentarians. In my opinion, this is where the  train left the tracks.
 Do you concur? (It is very important that you  answer this question).
   If you replied in the affirmative to the above,  what would you then propose as the way forward? What would you have  proposed as the way forward, 
after the YES / NO referendum? Do you believe that  it is feasible to enact a
new constitution before the next elections, if  there is the motivation to do
so? Do you believe that our country needs to  complete this crucial process,  before things get any worse?
   This is a very simple issue, and the Government as  well as the Opposition
is aware of that. The problem is simply a lack of commitment, and the
willingness to make the necessary sacrifices. I am sure that you will agree
with me on this, and if not, please explain why.
   Again - I joined the CCR as a very concerned citizen, who wishes to see a
new constitution enacted before another general election. I probably have
differences with other CCR members, apart from you, but this is simply not  the
forum to discuss them. We are here to talk about how to enact a new
constitution before the next general elections.
   Do you understand Bw. Oketch?
   Ni kama umeingia kwa 46 inayoteremka tao, na wewe unataka kurudi Ungwaro.
  Niaje? Si ushuke, badala ya kusumbua abiria wenzako? Ama unataka tu kupiga malapu kwa kiti ya nyuma, ukikorofishana na wasee?
 Kwa kiingereza, mtu kaa  huyo huitwa antagonist.
  I have a polite suggestion: If CCR's objective seems too unrealistic to you,
why don't you just unsubscribe? If CCR has been fooled by the Kibaki
administration, why don't you just hope onto a mathree that's going where you
want to go? Unless, of course, "unataka tu kukorofishana na wasee"?
  I sincerely hope that we will not have this discussion again.
    Once again: "Two men in a burning house should not stop to argue"
 [Ghanaian proverb].

--- Odhiambo T. Oketch wrote:

Sorry, I thought you were a lady. My apologies.

Your part in english is as it should be. The part in kiswahili was not necessary.

I went a new constitution today. But I cannot have it my way, and thats why I
elected Kibaki to do that job for me; to create an enabling environment for me
to have my constitution.

But the moment he showed intentions of going back to what you call Ongwaro
[whatever it is], I said no. I saw that Kibaki was going to take us round in
circles, ultimately giving us no new constitution, fooling us with unnecessary
games. And I said as much.

But your group thought otherwise.

Now, Kibaki is still not creating an enabling environment for making a new
constitution. You do not need to be a rocket scientist, a lawyer, or an activist
of any sort to see this.

This man is simply power hungry. And now that he has tasted blood, his mouth is in a mess, and he does not want to leave.

It must take the collective will of Kenyans to remove this democratic pretender,
and elect into office, one who has fought for us, with us, and knows what we want.

Anything else takes us nowhere.

It is not comlicated. We can do it as Kenyans, and we must do that as Kenyans.

Odhiambo T Oketch
Komarock Nairobi



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