04/20/2007 |
Burning People is the wrong idea BlankBwana Daktari, Barack Abonyo, Are you really serious? What is this; " Now what do we normally do when we catch a criminal on the act. Mostly we burn them, stone them or simply beat them up until the police come to help them. I remember when I was at the University we even attempted to burn classmates caught stealing petty things like sneakers. I am not advocating for lawlessness but my stand is that if the police cannot do anything to an outright crime then we have to act and act hard like we always do. In certain cases we have even stoned the police who fail to act. If we can do this to our brothers, sisters and friends who are the artur's? " It tells allot about you and about Kenya as a whole. Kenya is under a gangsters' grip and Kenyans are to blame for voting for them. The Artur brother is going to Marry Wambui, whether you like it or not, and Kenyans can do nothing! On the other hand, Kenyans can not do anything, for the simple reason that Michuki-a viper has all the power of police, and surely, he is going to protect the Arturs by all means. Kenyans are scared to death, and you know it! No one wants to be murdered by Michuki's police. It is easier to talk from the safety of your table in America, but it is a different story when you are in Kenyan town, or near Michuki in Nairobi. I am amused to hear you talk about burning people, that is the thoughts of dictators, and it is lunacy! What is expected of University mind is a discourse, civilized interaction, not mob-mentality. Reason Bwana Abonyo, winning with superior ideas! Let me hope you do not mean what you are insinuating, and really I pray that a silly University of Nairobi student does not take your advise literally! I categorically, as a Kenyan exempt my self, I do also know there are millions of Kenyans who do not belong to your group; the , " ... act like we always do...to ...brothers, sisters and friends " I have never as a Kenyan stoned anyone, beaten or burnt . What is mortifying is that you have stated that you have, and even tried to burn your classmate! We are in trouble, if educated people have this narrow reasoning! Ruttoh Pollyzzarrioh Canada, April 18, 2007 Joluo.com Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com |
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