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Re: [Jambo] DEFENDERS OF DOMINION - Tribalism as an excuse

From: joabo@ . . .


The persons who deserve our sympathy the most are our brothers and sisters who are economic refugee in the slums of Nairobi. These people are not compensated to leave their ancestral homes but are forced out by the cruel hand of poverty and hunger. They leave their so called ancestral lands voluntarily and are forced to go to Nairobi to look for low paying jobs, inevitably they end up in Kibera slums with a wife and children living in an environment which even an animal should not be allowed to live in.

You talk about a grandmother tilling her land to grow millet to feed herself but have you asked yourselves why so many of our people voluntarily leave these lands and homes they own with no encumbrances and go to live and pay rent in the slums of Nairobi? I will tell you. They do so because the land you talk about cannot feed them anymore and there are no jobs around them. The land cannot produce cash crops which can be cashed to buy food for their kids to eat and to put clothes on their children's back like most of the environmental elites like you can do so easily without even thinking about it.

Our people leave the ancestral land for the slums of Nairobi, Mombassa, Nakuru etc, not because they love the squalor and the unsanitary conditions in the slums but because there are no better alternatives in their ancestral lands of Luoland.

Jackton, apenji, how do you reverse this process?. How do you get people to leave those slums voluntarily and return to their homes in luoland? That is exactly what Dominion is doing. They are introducing new methods of agriculture which have been tested for years and have worked very well for Odiero in America who produce 100 times more than they can eat for a whole year while we cannot even produce enough to eat for four months in a year. Who else should we go to when we want to produce food than the people who have done it.

When we want to learn Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, etc, we go to Wasungu university to learn. Why is it so bad to invite Odiero into our land when we want to produce food en mass?. Why was it Okay to invite Odiero to build our Universities, Hospitals, roads, factories and government buildings, and then when it comes to farming, then we resort to Africanism and odiero name calling.

What kind of misplaced pride and hypocrisy is this?

Dominion is on a mission to make our land more productive and able to create more food for local consumption and for commercial purposes. Dominion is bringing jobs for the unskilled laborers to their homes so that they do not have to leave their homes in luoland to go and live in the slums of Kibera just to earn a little money. The best way to develop any region is to bring jobs to the people and not require the people to leave and travel miles looking for jobs. This way our people can feed their children with dignity while living in their ancestral land in dignity and in a sanitary environment. The infrastructure, education facilities are also being improved by Dominion. These are the elements which determine improved living standards. WHY ARE YOU AGAINST THIS.

Yes, life styles may have to change and people may be moved around but nothing as drastic and as undignified as when a man leaves his home and goes to to live in Kibera slums. That is the displacement that you should be bitter about and not the one where a man is compensated to leave his home and settle elsewhere for development to take place and for jobs to be created. When SONY sugary factory was being built many people were displaced and they were compensated. Why is it Okay for a man to be moved from his home so that a Highway or a Railway line or a dam can be constructed but when Dominion is moving people to free land for more food and jobs to be produced, hell breaks lose? Where are our priorities?. China just moved millions of people to build a huge dam and yet you guys want to keep our people in perpetual poverty with crocodile tears about our ancestral lands but indifferent when the same people live in squalor in the slums of Nairobi or die from hunger and diseases?

The entire industrial world went through this process-yes change is difficult-but they got used to and are better for it. Why must our people continue to live in squalor just because we do not want to change. Moreover, the elite who are against change write on computers within the comfort of their homes in the western capitals, or in their nice houses in Kenya, obviously enjoying a very high standards of living and caring more for the endangered species of birds being driven out of Yala swamp than the endangered poor being forced out of their homes into the slums by poverty, hunger and disease.

YES, We defend Dominion because it has decided to bring development to our people- something the government has not done for years. Why is that so difficult to understand. The only way to develop any region in this world is to spend money on it doing things that Dominion is doing in our land. It cannot be done by remote control. You have to move the soil and get dirty to produce food and jobs and not by writing theories and talking all day in the Internet. Luoland needs more Dominions and not less. If we can attract more jobs, our people will be able to work close to home and not in far lands where their children forget their language and culture.

What is this kind of education which makes you more sympathetic to the birds leaving Yala swamp but completely indifferent to our brothers and sisters who are being driven out of their ancestral land by poverty and joblessness into the squalor and unsanitary life of a Nairobi slum. Where are our priorities?



Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com








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