Dear Friend,
Real change starts when politics gets local, and in just over a week since
we announced the June 9th Walk for Change, over 800 neighborhood walks have
been planned in communities across the country.
Is there one near you?
We've built an interactive map of the events planned
so far to help you find out:
If there's no neighborhood walk near you yet, you
can be the one to step up and take the lead in your community. It's not too
late to plan your own Walk for Change canvass.
What does it mean to be a Walk for Change organizer?
It means you'll lead a group of supporters going
door to door on Saturday, June 9th, introducing people to Barack Obama.
We'll mail you the literature to hand out and offer
support as you plan your event. We've even built an online resource center
to help answer your questions right away.
If you're ready to take the leap and lead your
own neighborhood walk, just click here to get started:
No presidential campaign has ever attempted a nationwide
mobilization on this scale at this early stage.
But because of the movement that has risen up to
drive this campaign, we have a unique opportunity to take our message of
hope and community to hundreds of thousands of people in a single afternoon.
It's up to all of us to take responsibility for
building this movement locally, and June 9th is the day you can be the face
of this campaign in your community.
Thank you,
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
P.S. -- If you can't canvass on June 9th, you can
still be part of the nationwide Walk for Change. You can make certain that
everyone walking that Saturday afternoon is equipped with all the supplies
they need to bring Barack Obama's message of hope face-to-face, person-to-person
by making a donation now. Please donate now to help make June 9th a success: