09/13/2007 |
Kisumu 11/09/07 SCORES OF STUDENTS SERIOUSLY HURT AS LIGHTNING STRIKE CLASSROOMS IN RONGO. By Leo Odera Omolo Scores of students were seriously hurt when lightning struck Form 1 and Form Four classrooms at Piny Owacho Secondary School in Kawere I location, Uriri Division in Rongo district. The incident occurred during light rains, which were pouring soon after the students had resumed their studies after lunch-time. Ten of the victims were rushed to Ombo district hospital in Migori Town while unconscious and their fate remained unknown as this report was being compiled. About twenty students were seen limping on their way to the nearby Rapogi Roman Catholic Church Hospital and were treated and discharged. Lightning struck another building which is close to the fence of the same school and left three people unconscious. The three were treated at Rapogi Hospital and discharged. Last week the lightning expert, Prof. Jalang’o Akello called upon the government to resume the programme of installing lightning arrestors on public schools and institutions, which it had launched a couple of years ago. Prof. Akello’s calls come after lightning has killed close to 21 people in various parts of Kenya covering Trans-Nzoia, Mt. Elgon, North Kakamega, Central Kisii and Bomet districts. An eye witness, Mr. Boaz Jakotae Omari, who is a teacher in the neighbouring Piny Owacho Primary School said the thunderbolt struck at about 2.15pm. and it came soon after the Form one and Form four students had assembled in their respective classrooms, which are adjacent to each other. Mr. Omari could not immediately ascertain the degree of the injuries sustained by those students who were rushed to the hospital while unconscious. Ends. leooderaomolo@yahoo.com Joluo.com Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com |
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