10/14/2007 |
Shame on the Kenya police and ECK over such parochial and backward sentiments ... ALL, Perhaps some of you came across the above article in Saturday Standard Papers. I just failed to believe it; why on good earth, in a democratic society, would the police and electoral commission place restrictions on the citizens on when and where to belt their "beloved" national anthem! when and how would the wananchi express their patriotism! The police are apparently reacting wrongly, championing the gov't hidden envy, over the ODM popularity. The anthem is an instrument of patriotism that every mwananchi ought to sing even while paying "long/short/medium" calls, or even while bathing; we sang the song in school, at the shamba while harvesting or just reeling on full-stomach during the harvest times, or even when it offered the only hope when Moi went behaved real and hived away some regions of the country from the national budget. Wimbo ya taifa ni wimbo yetu! And to add salt to the injury, these misguided fellows seem to have no agenda at all because they seem to be chasing after non-issues: now hear this "The parties were also asked not to refer to any individual in the meetings as "His Excellency" as that is reserved for an elected President." When were you last treated to that amount of hogwash!!!! what the heck is it all about His Exchietha!!! The police and ECK might be under instructions to spread fear and attend to non-issues. Also, looks to me like PNU or PANUA or whatever it is, has no agenda for this country and are just out to engage into cheap family politics, the sort of mudomo that saw Roosy storm Nation Center breathing fire and brimstone and coughing chuk-mach:)) saaasa, hiyo fitina gani hizo jameeni. Kibaki atoke Ikulu aende akatafute kura na waache kuwatumia askari kuvurugavuruga wananchi wazalendo. Basi hata mimi najiita His Excellency Odero Soja na nisisikia ogulmama akinitafuta juu hiyo ni claim ambayo ni unconstiututional kabiiisa. Kibaki is the only president who has spent all his presidency days swinging in a hummock at state house, occassionally trying his golf-sticks at the plush green lawns after which he retreats at the backyard to enjoy mutura na mukimo ignoring aaaaall pertinent issues of the state such as the mercenaries, Anglo fleecing, irate wife going bersek at media houses, chest-thumping tribesmates at the ministries, mungiki menace, among many others; and then all of a sudden he jumps from that comfort careering around like maaaad, galivanting the length and breadth of the Kenyan soil begging for votes.. Amadioha forbid! Ojukwu the fair might just want to fly away with him because his case is so undeserving and his request sooo fake. He never listened to us all this time, occasionally showing face only to reaffirm that he owns no concubine, denying the undeniable, now why does he believe that he has a case so urgent and so compelling. devil fly away with him to Othaya ama Muthaiga. I recommend more golf to him as he retires. tunataka viongozi ambao wanasikia malalamiko za wananchi; ambao wako huko nje wakifanya kazi na sisi. Opinion polls could not report it better. Much peace and love "Your Excellency" Fellow Kenyans and may we find more meaning and uniting value of purpose in singing the patriotic words of our National Anthem: O God bless this our nation... and May justice be our shield and defender. Chrisogonas Mc'Odhiambo (CoopNET) Joluo.com Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com |
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