We're moving closer & closer to the Election and New Year ...

  For all of you, wanna chungwas
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[]  [] [] and small.......
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 time flew by ..
and sometimes we wish ..

we had more of it.
This year we worked very hard on the net ..
 ... a lot on the ground
 ... yes...a lot to counter propagandanists

Remember Sometimes things were rough ,remember Kalonzo/Maanzo factor,
really exhausting ..
 but we were moving
... tireless and kept on going....
 It didn't always look  

good ..
 it all worked out and mighty ODM original was born
but .....now it's time to stop the campaigns
and take a little break and vote for real CHANGE ....
I wish you
a merry Christ-mas and  a happy, healthy and fruitful
New Year   2008 !
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The people’s President
