02/05/2008 |
Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:41:54 Why Reject Cyril Ramaphosa as a Crisis
Negotiator in Kenya? The characters behind the
"BOOMING" economic system in Kenya believe ,
very deeply, that the country's wealth and natural resources must be controlled by a small group of people. The remaining population must be working consumers-- working hard for mediocre pay until they drop dead! The suggestion that Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa is Raila Odinga's friend is mainly to confuse the Kenyan citizens. It is an indication as to who is running the negotiation show behind the scenes and their sincerity. FOREIGN INVESTORS? Why are they not interested in supporting Kenyans? A brief history of Cyril Ramaphosa in ANC can be found in the link below: http://www.flickr.com/photos/booksa/2196690399/ http://www.anc.org.za/people/ramaphosa_c.html QUOTE Ramaphosa is a sophisticated political thinker, a powerful negotiator and a leader of great integrity. He is one of the most outstanding figures of his generation. While not a member of the SACP( South African Socialist Party), Ramaphosa is a committed socialist who believes that the dawn of political democracy in South Africa must be accompanied by economic democracy. "Democracy will be meaningless unless it can lead to the transformation of the quality of life of all our people," he says. UNQUOTE
It is difficult to rationalize why an African leader would oppose " A Democracy that will lead to the transformation of the quality of life of all our people." The opposing team must explain, vividly, why they have a problem with improving the quality life of Kenyans because that is one of the major reasons behind the current turmoil. Thousands of young people in Kenya are in a dark tunnel with no light at the end. They do not see a future!!!!
http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/time100/article/0,28804,1595326_1615737_1615731,00.html QUOTE Ramaphosa's decision to leave politics was characteristic: decisive, bold and imaginative. He saw an opportunity to show the way to a generation of black South Africans who would gradually control the South African economy. He reached out to white business leaders, but he made black economic empowerment his new issue, tirelessly promoting it and warning that it had to happen. His businesses now include Shanduka Group, an investment firm, and mining and energy interests. There are many who hope that Ramaphosa, just 54, will emerge as South Africa's next President. But even as he continues a life that includes active involvement "along with his wife Tshepo, a doctor" in the fight against AIDS, he says he is not interested in returning to politics. That would be a loss not only for his country but for the rest of us. Speaking personally ”Cyril is a close friend”I believe that, whatever he does, he will remain a beacon of hope for Africans”and the rest of us. UNQUOTE Please take time to know more about this great African who believes in African empowerment in the continent.. Ignorance is a man's worst enemy BECAUSE IT ALLOWS SOMEONE ELSE TO FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH HIS OWN IDEAS. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6630125.stm http://www.shanduka.co.za/index.html?lf=1;pg=28;ai=12 http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/a/ african_national_congress/ index.html?query=RAMAPHOSA,%20CYRIL&field=per&match=exact http://www.yokogawa.com/za/cp/overview/za-bee.htm http://www.foundation-development-africa.org/africa_black_business/index.htm http://www.southafrica.info/doing_business/trends/empowerment/nef.htm http://query.nytimes.com/gst/ fullpage.html?res=9E0CEFDD1039F937A35757C0A964958260 - Lucia Joluo.com Akelo nyar Kager, jaluo@jaluo.com |
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